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Selecting and hearing some voice overtones traces.

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Sample 1. Create new synthetic wave file by all traces available in original sound.

To estimate the quality of the developed system “Signal Workshop” we propose you to take part in next small experiment.

On the next top picture you see PASFilm and can listen original well-known speech signal: “Four-zero or higher” (it was taken from the CSL).

On the bottom picture you see PASFilm and can listen new signal, synthesized by all traces available and selected on original top PASFilm.

To listen original sound (top PASFilm) click here.

To listen new synthesized signal by all available traces (bottom PASFilm) click here.

Visually comparing the PASFilm of the original signal (on the top) and the PASFilm of whole-synthesized signal (on the bottom) you can see some differences. Especially on the bottom of the PASFilm on the 0 Hz frequency. But it’s very hard to hear these differences by ears. Try to do it on Hi-Fi speaker system.

Sample 2. The residual of subtracting original and synthesized signals from the sample 1.

On the next bottom picture you see PASFiln of the residual of subtracting original and synthesized signals from the sample 1. If you listen it, you can hear voiceless whisper speech signal of the same talker.

To listen original sound (top PASFilm) click here.

To listen the residual of subtracting original and synthesized signals from the sample 1 (bottom PASFilm) click here.

Sample 3. Compare waveform of original and synthesized signals from the sample 1.

On the right part of next picture you can see two waveforms of original signal (top) and synthesized signal (bottom). It’s hard to found any differences. (On the left part of the picture you can see PASFilm of original sound. All the markers on power level, PASFilm and oscillogramms are at the same time point).

On the right part of next picture you can see two waveforms of original signal (top) and synthesized signal (bottom). It’s hard to found any differences too. (On the left part of the picture you can see PASFilm of synthesized sound. All the markers on power level, PASFilm and oscillogramms are at the same time point).

On the right part of next picture you can see two waveforms of original signal (top) and residual of subtracting original and synthesized signals from the sample 1 (bottom). You can see how pure voice signal with perfect pitch becomes whisper-like.

All the markers on power level, PASFilm and oscillogramms are at the same time point).

Sample 4. Selecting and hearing only first voice overtone.

In this experiment expert select only one – fist voice overtone – and synthesized correspondent wave file.

On the next top picture you can see PASFilm of original sound with yellow dots (selected sound traces) and red dots (unselected sound traces). On the bottom of the same picture you can see PASFilm of the synthesized wave file with the trace of only one first voice overtone.

To listen original sound (top PASFilm) click here.

To listen only one first voice overtone of the same speech click here.

Sample 5. Selecting and hearing only first and second voice overtones.

In this experiment expert select two – fist and second voice overtones – and synthesized correspondent wave file.

On the next top picture you can see PASFilm of original sound with yellow dots (selected sound traces) and red dots (unselected sound traces). On the bottom of the same picture you can see PASFilm of the synthesized wave file with the traces of first and second voice overtones.

To listen original sound (top PASFilm) click here.

To listen first two voice overtones of the same speech click here.

Sample 6. Selecting and hearing first three voice overtones.

In this experiment expert select three – fist, second and third voice overtones – and synthesized correspondent wave file.

On the next top picture you can see PASFilm of original sound with yellow dots (selected sound traces) and red dots (unselected sound traces). On the bottom of the same picture you can see PASFilm of the synthesized wave file with the traces of first three voice overtones.

To listen original sound (top PASFilm) click here.

To listen first three voice overtones of the same speech click here.

Sample 6. Selecting and hearing only second voice overtone.

In this experiment expert select only second overtone and synthesized correspondent wave file.

On the next top picture you can see PASFilm of original sound with yellow dots (selected sound traces) and red dots (unselected sound traces). On the bottom of the same picture you can see PASFilm of the synthesized wave file with the traces of second voice overtone.

In this samples it is interesting to hear how male voice becomes like a female’s.

To listen original sound (top PASFilm) click here.

To listen only one second voice overtone of the same speech click here.

Sample 7. Selecting and hearing second and fourth voice overtones.

In this experiment expert select second and fours overtones and synthesized correspondent wave file.

On the next top picture you can see PASFilm of original sound with yellow dots (selected sound traces) and red dots (unselected sound traces). On the bottom of the same picture you can see PASFilm of the synthesized wave file with the traces of second and fourth voice overtones.

The female voice property becomes more brightly.

To listen original sound (top PASFilm) click here.

To listen second and fourth voice overtones of the same speech click here.


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